

Monday, January 24, 2011


Have you ever thought about how timing effects your life.  There are so many things that happen to you because of the right timing.  I would never have met Fred if I didn't work at the Holiday Inn.  It took him two years to ask me out...the timing was right.  Would we have fallen so deeply in love at 16?  Probably not...

Everything you do is based on timing...or is everything fate?

Was it fate that I met Fred and fell in love immediately?  Fate seems so permanent, it can't be changed.  No matter what you do, things are going to happen the way fate has chosen for you.  At least with timing, things can be changed. 

So is everything fate, timing, or coincidence...lets throw in coincidence to keep things interesting.  Fate - you have no choice, it will happen no matter what you do.  Timing - it depends on when things happen to you.  If I wasn't there at that time, would things be different?  Coincidence -  Things just happen by has nothing to do with timing, or fate...things just happen because they do...With fate your life is predetermined and can't change, with timing you life depends on where you are and who you are with, and with coincidence nothing is set, things happen because of your previous choices and life is an adventure.

Lets say I have to make the choice to have the lap band surgery.  Has fate already predetermined that I will or will not get the surgery.  That would mean no matter what I do now it is not my choice...I have to depend on fate to take me on the path that was chosen for me.

What if it is a matter of timing?  I have been working on this since August...if I would have just started yesterday, would I still be looking at 2 weeks for my surgical date?  In this case it wouldn't matter what I did, the timing had to be right for it to happen. 

How about coincidence?  Is this all just a series of coincidences that has put me in the position to even consider this surgery?  One thing led to another and here I am...if I would have changed one thing, the outcome would be different.  Will the surgery be lucky, fluke, a chance, or an accident.  Anything can happen with coincidences.

I am not sure if there is such a thing as fate, I don't want to think that my life was predetermined the minute I was conceived and I had no choices in my life.  I like to think that life is a series of fortunate and unfortunate coincidences and a lot of good and bad timing.  Coincidences are not predetermined and do not happen based on your choices.  Coincidence happens...whether good or bad.  If everything is coincidences then timing is also a series of coincidences...some good and some bad. 

I am not sure if I am doing the right thing or not, but my choice is made and I hope that by coincidence and timing everything will be fine.  I hope that fate plays no roll in my choice!

Here is a choice I need help to make...should I do surgery on February 8th, which would ruin my husbands snowmobile trip, and I would have to take 6 days off work and do 6 lesson plans, but I want this done ASAP or should I have the surgery on February 15th, which would be over my birthday, but I would only have to do 4 lesson plans because Friday is teacher institute and Monday is no school...remember if I don't have the right timing things may not work out best:)


  1. do what feels right...even if it falls over your birthday or ruins dads trip. he will have plenty more chances to go and you will have plenty of birthdays to celebrate!

  2. I have enough things to pray and worry about the 15 th already - hehe just kidding - Do what feels right for you - love and hugs

  3. I personally would go for 4 days of lesson plans! But be sure to celebrate your birthday early. Good luck to you Linda! Connie

    (I haven't quite figured out the profile thing for comments)

  4. Whatever feels right to you, you should do it then. If you have a good sub, you don't have to worry about whatever lesson plans you will all take care of itself! Keep us posted! We are all waiting to hear your decision!

  5. If you do it over your birthday, you'll always be able to look back at the surgery as so many years ago as you celebrate each birthday. You could view the surgery as the rebirth of the new you-and what better time than your birthday time. Ultimately, I know God is going to take care of you and it doesn't matter when you have the surgery. Your family's support and getting this far in the screening process can show that God is opening the doors for you to take this step. So be confident and strong you are heading on the right path. Love, Cindy
