

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Loving Life

I am down to 209 today! I love my new life. I have more energy, I feel like a real person again and I am really happy with my life. Do you know what it feels like to go from a size 24/26 to a 13/14? It feels totally amazing!!!! My new nick name is Linda the incredible shrinking woman...and I love every moment of shrinking.

There are some pitfalls to this diet and I need to talk about those. It is difficult to eat. What was once my way of comforting myself and making myself feel good, is now painful. If I eat to fast it hurts really bad, if I eat too much I throw up, if something gets stuck it is painful and I throw up. I had to leave work one day because a piece of a sausage burrito was stuck and I spent the day throwing up and in pain. I only eat when I need to and most times I don't look forward to it; which is totally opposite of my past life. The only foods I cannot eat are bread, reheated meat, and cereal and I have not missed these foods as much as I thought I would.

I have a hard time getting in enough protein at times and I am obsessed with label reading and only eat foods with 2 grams or more of protein! When I don't get enough protein I space out and I have a hard time concentrating. It is really difficult for me at work. I am not sure if everyone realizes how hard this is on me and how my focus can get lost. This week I am going to try to do a protein shake before work and hopefully that will help. I have become obsessed with label reading and will not eat anything with less than 2 grams of protein. Did you know that turkey bacon only has 2 grams of protein and sausage link have 9 grams, for a few extra fat grams I can get 3 times the protein with sausage! It amazes me what I learn. I have learned to enjoy every bite of every meal, to use small plates, and to only eat what I love!

There are also some great things about this diet too...those include the fact that I can eat almost anything I want, just very slowly and not too much. I don't have to count calories, grams of fat or carbs...just need to make sure I get my protein. I still have to remind myself to stay away from chips and dip because they are a slider food and they go down way to easy. However, I can have a few and then I am done. I don't feel like I am being cheated out of anything.

I have gone through weeks and weeks of no weight change, and that is frustrating. However, over the last eight months I have learned that no weight loss is so much better than weight gain, which I have not done! That frustration of every diet is not haunting my, I do not lose a pound and wonder when I will gain it back with two more. I know that every pound lost may be slow, but it is permanent...that is the best feeling of all.

I have changed so much in the last 8 months! I guess that is why I get so frustrated when the administration tells me I need to change. I feel that I have done so many changes and I enjoy myself now. I am more confident and that makes me a little more aggressive when it comes to what I want and they don't like my approach. Well, it took me 51 years to be able to speak up for myself, excuse me if it takes me a few more to perfect the approach. I know in my heart I am a great person, and I have proof because I have the best family and friends and they love me for who I am...and that is what counts the most. I may lose my job for my approach, but I will always have my friends and family!!! Love you all and thanks for hanging in there with me in the good times and the bad times!!!

One last thing...Taylor...Thank you for being there for me in the last few months in my thoughts and dreams. You have truly inspired me and for that I am thankful. I know that God took you for reasons of his own, but through his work you have helped me see the light and for that you will always be a part of me!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, I think I'll be trying to eat more protein. Thanks!
    And GREAT JOB on everything you've accomplished through this journey!
    Connie J.
